Sunday, January 25, 2009

Memories of Stan Nadler

If only for one day I could pay tribute to my father today would be that day. Eight years ago today, on a snowy afternoon my father, Stan Nadler passed away from a massive heart attack. I am thankful for the memories I have of him. There was something special about this man. He was not just a father, husband, or brother, he was the thread that kept a family together. He was a friend to the local alcoholic and the neighbor who was there with a phone call. He was the guy who would give the homeless guy a lift and buy him a meal. He was the man who made you laugh and enjoyed life to the fullest. There is no one like him and he is missed everyday by anyone who got the privilege to know him.


garian said...

Hi Kelly,
Thanks for finding me. You and your family are adorable. I can't wait to catch up on your blog.

Jenn said...

Kelly - I'm sorry that you lost your Dad too early too. I feel your pain and I like this tribute post.