Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our Preschooler

Ian completed his first year of preschool. He has grown in so many ways. At the beginning of the year, he would say that he was sick in order to stay home. Now, he is upset when it is not a school day. Ian's favorite part of preschool is the art table. The minute he walks in, he sits at the art table. He loves posting all of his artwork on the refrigerator at home. Although Ian is very independent and strong minded, he has learned to join in fun activities such as the marching band. Anyone who knows Ian, knows this is a huge accomplishment. Ian has learned his ABC's, numbers to 40, and cut & paste. We are so proud of our little guy. It is so much fun to watch our little boy mature into a preschooler.

Today was Ian's last day of Preschool. Each child brought their own stuffed bear from home and we had a picnic lunch outside. Ms. Julie read a book about bears having a picnic. It was so cute! We then played games such as Red Light, Tag, and the colorful parachute. The parachute game was a favorite.Here is Ian's teddy bear bounced in the air from the parachute.

1 comment:

Shan-Marie said...

Way too go, cutie! Now it's big time school!